Saturday 25 April 2015

Orange Cheesecake with Roasted Rhubarb


  1. I'd love to know how the roasted rhubarb tastes -- never thought of doing that - how about a report?
    Your photography is consistently lovely! Bravo and brava!

  2. This rhubarb was lovely - we had it in several different recipes this season, and it was really lovely to eat!

    We will be doing a report - very shortly for Spring - once each season is done! A little run down of the ups and downs of all the recipes! Keep watching this space...

  3. This rhubarb was lovely - we had it in several different recipes this season, and it was really lovely to eat!

    We will be doing a report - very shortly for Spring - once each season is done! A little run down of the ups and downs of all the recipes! Keep watching this space...
