Sunday 3 January 2016

Hot Spiced Cranberry Punch


  1. A whole bunch of my favorite ingredients - how could this not taste lovely! Where do the cranberries come from that you use? I"d always thought of them as quintessentially American (Cape Cod and eastern US) - but obviously you have no trouble getting them. Lingonberries are similar, I think, but not as flavorful -- but then, I've never had them fresh to work with. Clearly when you come, we will have quite the food discussions and have to take you good places!

    1. Hi Sally, this was really nice. We made it on New year's eve! You are right I think about cranberries - but we are able to buy them fresh t Christmas time. We did a few other recipes with them over Christmas - muffins (pecan and cranberry) and stuffing (cranberry, lemon & thyme) - and we froze them at the time so they would be ready for us to use later. I don't think I ever see them in the shops at other times of year but they are one of my favourites!

    2. Hi Sally, this was really nice. We made it on New year's eve! You are right I think about cranberries - but we are able to buy them fresh t Christmas time. We did a few other recipes with them over Christmas - muffins (pecan and cranberry) and stuffing (cranberry, lemon & thyme) - and we froze them at the time so they would be ready for us to use later. I don't think I ever see them in the shops at other times of year but they are one of my favourites!
